Fluoride Treatment Inhibits Cavities by Developing Stronger Teeth

Fluoride Treatment Inhibits Cavities by Developing Stronger Teeth

Nov 08, 2021

The naturally occurring mineral fluoride helps build stronger teeth to prevent cavities. Tap water in America contains traces of fluoride for over 70 years. As a result, fluoridated water has reduced tooth decay by approximately 25 percent, confirms the CDC.


Fluoride treatment near you may offer significant benefits to protect your child’s teeth. These treatments are beneficial to anyone prone to tooth decay like children are but are not suitable for everyone.


This article looks at fluoride’s benefits and side effects besides fluoride treatments from the kid’s dentist near you to protect your child’s teeth.


What Are Fluoride Treatments?


Generally, professional treatments containing highly concentrated fluoride applied by a dentist or hygienist in a dental office are known as fluoride treatments. Fluoride applications help improve the child’s health and reduce the risk of cavities. In-office fluoride treatments are provided in the form of a solution, gel, varnish, or foam.


Some high concentration fluoride treatments are available on the market for use at home. However, the treatments aren’t explicitly customized for anyone and fall into the one size fits all category which isn’t unsuitable for everyone. You can use DIY fluoride treatments if the kid’s dentist in Conway recommends it.


You must understand using fluoride treatments on children’s teeth at home can stain their teeth and even make them susceptible to fluorosis, causing white patches to develop over their teeth. The side effects of at-home fluoride treatments can alter the appearance of their teeth. At the same time, using fluoride in lower quantities will not deliver the necessary outcomes and may possibly necessitate treatments from the emergency pediatric dentist in Conway against the development of cavities.


What Are the Privileges of Fluoride and Fluoride Treatments?


Fluoride by itself has many benefits for the teeth.


Fluoride encourages the body to use metals like calcium and phosphate considerably because the teeth reabsorb the minerals for weak tooth enamel repair. Fluoride becomes part of the tooth structure during the developmental stages to strengthen their enamel, making them less vulnerable to bacteria and cavities for life. Fluoride can slow down or even reverse the development of cavities by harming the bacteria causing them.


When the advantages are combined, they help decrease the risk of cavities, stall their growth, and limit the need for expensive dental work. In addition, fluoride prolongs the life of primary teeth and reduces the time and money you may spend at a dentist.


Fluoride treatment deters cavities and slows the increase of bacteria to repress gum disease, overcome tooth pain, and prevent premature loss of teeth. Fluoride treatments contribute significantly to improve oral health, which the WHO claims is a significant predictor of overall health. Poor oral health can cause many other health complications, including cardiovascular disease.


Fluoride Treatment Recommendations


Exposure to small amounts of fluoride every day is recommended by the CDC and ADA to reduce the risk of dental cavities for everyone. Drinking tap water with optimal fluoride levels and brushing teeth with fluoridated toothpaste is optimal for most people. In addition, children or adults at a higher risk of cavities can receive significant benefits from in-office fluoride treatments.


A common childhood disease more significant than asthma is dental cavities. Therefore, fluoride treatments are recommended for children by the American Academy of pediatric dentistry soon as their teeth begin to erupt to prevent pain, tooth decay, and future dental infections.


Pediatric dentists such as Dr. Shalini Sanku recommends fluoride treatment every 3 to 6 months after considering the child’s risk of cavities. In-office professional fluoride treatments ensure the child is not overexposed to fluoride by recommending caregivers of children instructions on how to brush their teeth using little fluoride toothpaste to reduce corrosion and depreciate the risk of fluorosis. The caregivers must oversee the child’s brushing to guarantee they use the suggested quantity of toothpaste and get them to spit most of it if possible. Children under six are not recommended at-home fluoride rinses to reduce the risk of swallowing too much fluoride.


Fluoride treatments are safe for children and adults. Any side effects noticed are minimal compared to the benefits offered by the treatments. Harmful effects are likely to occur from swallowing significantly higher amounts of fluoride. Unfortunately, fluoride treatments cannot be considered safe for everyone. Discussing concerns like cavities or the risk of tooth decay with a dentist is essential before getting fluoride treatments.

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