How Do you Handle a Child's Dental Emergency After Hours?

How Do you Handle a Child's Dental Emergency After Hours?

Apr 01, 2023

Active kids love to play and run, which also means they sometimes fall and hurt themselves. Also, a kid may experience a dental emergency like tooth pain. A toothache, whether crippling or mild, is a terrible thing to have. Even with oral hygiene habits, tooth pain can still affect you or your kid. Whatever the cause, you can stay ahead of fussy, long nights by keeping some easy and gentle home remedies in your home.

The experienced team of pediatric dentists at Kids First Dental treats achy teeth bringing relief to kids and parents alike. Our dentists offer you some tips to keep tooth pain

together with the best ways to reduce the likelihood of your kid developing a toothache.

Can I take my Kid to the ER for Tooth Pain?

If your kid has suffered a broken jaw or experienced severe bleeding from the mouth, don’t hesitate to look for an emergency dentist near you; however, when it comes to severe discomfort from a toothache or extensive decay of broken teeth, our dental office is a much better option for treatment.

What to do if Your Kid has a Tooth Pain

If your kid says they have a toothache, reassure them that you will do your best to help them feel better. Kids may have a difficult time expressing that they have a toothache. An achy tooth doesn’t have to ruin your kid’s day. Here are some things to do to relieve the pain:

Cold Compress

Your kid might be experiencing mild tooth pain where a little bit of ice in a bag or a frozen item wrapped in a towel will help stop the pain. A kid dentist near you advises you gently press a hard thing against the painful spots on the body to help reduce inflammation.

Peppermint Tea

The soothing abilities and natural antibacterial properties of peppermint tea make it an excellent at-home treatment for your kid’s tooth pain. Ensure you boil a cup of water and turn off the heat. Please wait for the water to settle for five minutes, then pour it over a peppermint tea bag. Allow the tea to steep for another 5 minutes before removing the bag and allowing the tea to cool before serving.

Hydrogen Peroxide or Salt

Before you rush a kid to a kid’s dentist near you, try using a cup of warm water and meat ½ teaspoon of salt was studying until the salt is dissolved. Also, you can mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a glass. Show your kid how to switch the mixture around the mouth and spit it out. Saltwater is both antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Hydrogen peroxide is also highly antiseptic.

Pain Medication

Our dentist advises that if your kid’s tooth pain is severe and more conservative options are not working, it’s ok to give them an appropriate dose of acetaminophen; if you’re unsure about the dosage Doctor Robert Ellis will help you.

Clove Oil

This oil is extracted from clove leaves and is a holistic medication and a versatile home remedy. Use a few drops in water as a mouth rinse or a few drops to a cotton ball to help dab the problem teeth.

When to See the Pediatric Dentist

A minor toothache that comes and goes might probably wait for a regular appointment. However, if your kid complains of severe tooth pain, you should seek urgent dental care immediately. This is true, especially if the kid is complaining of accompanying ear pain or pressure.

What Causes Toothaches in Kids?

Kids and adults can both be affected by toothaches. What causes it ultimately depends on the condition of the aching tooth. A toothache can be caused by small objects or pieces of food trapped between your teeth or under the gum line. Pain might also come from a broken tooth, infections, cavities, teeth grinding, or abscesses. In tiny kids, teeth erupting from the gums can be uncomfortable.

Although not every toothache result in a lost tooth, it’s often the case, and as mentioned, infections and cavities are the sources of toothpaste. If your kid’s toothache lasts longer than one day, you should contact an emergency pediatric dentist in Conway. The dentist can give your kid an exam that gives them a better look at what could be causing your kid’s tooth pain.

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