Aug 02, 2021

Extraction is the simple or surgical removal of damaged or unwanted teeth. Extractions are done for several reasons, such as damage to decayed teeth, painful wisdom teeth, or in a bid to create space for dental prosthetics or braces. In addition, extraction is required when a tooth poses a threat to a patient’s health condition and is done to both relieve the dental pain and protect the teeth from future issues.

There are several reasons a dentist carries out a tooth extraction, and they include the following: Gum disease, infection, severe cavity, complicated wisdom tooth, accidents, tooth injury, jaw bone injury, baby teeth not falling out as expected, impacted tooth and preparation of a dental prosthetic.


An extraction type depends on the tooth size, shape, and location in the mouth. There are two types of extraction which are simple and surgical extraction. A simple extraction is removing a visible tooth that is above the gum in one piece, while a surgical extraction is the removal of a complicated tooth, bone, gum tissue, or both. In some cases, the dentist might have to remove the teeth in bits.


The dentist would first need to take an x-ray of the patient’s teeth to help evaluate the nature of the position of the tooth root. Then, to start the procedure, local anesthesia would be administered to numb the area before the dentist can begin the extraction. If the teeth are beneath the gum tissue, the dentist will need to cut into the gum tissue to access the teeth and bone.

The teeth could be removed bit by bit depending on the dentist, without the patient feeling any pain. In most cases, they would only feel the pressure from the dentist breaking or cracking the teeth/bone. If patients feel any pain in rare cases, they should notify the dentist to administer a second dose of anesthesia.

Stitches could be required after the extraction to help in controlling the bleeding. The dentist would place an absorbent material on the extraction sites and have the patient bite down to help absorb the blood and trigger the clotting process. With this explanation, you would realize that the extraction is an unpleasant procedure necessary to salvage patient dental health.


  • Patients who have much bleeding should use a teabag as an absorbent material as it contains tannic acid that helps stops bleeding.
  • Use the prescribed analgesic to reduce the pain.
  • Use an ice pack placed on the cheek near the extraction sites to reduce the swelling. Rest and avoid any strenuous activity for the first 24 to 48 hours after the extraction.
  • Drink much fluid and starts with a soft diet.
  • Avoid the extraction site when brushing your teeth.
  • Use a water and salt solution in rinsing the extraction site gently.
  • Avoid hot foods and liquids.
  • Quit smoking and do not use a straw when drinking beverages as it can dislodge the blood clots.

It is important to note that kids can also have extractions with pediatric tooth extraction for5-year-old kids, not an uncommon occurrence. While it may be easy to sort yourself out based on how mature you are, you should know that the same cannot be said for a child. This is why You should immediately visit a podiatrist if you think your child may need an extraction. If you do not have a kid dentist, then you can search “kids’ dentist near you” to get a local listing of pediatric dental clinics and book an appointment. For example, if you live in Conway or near Conway. You can get a dentist near your residence by searching “emergency pediatric dentist in Conway or kids dentist in Conway ” to book an appointment. You could also book an appointment with Dr. Shalini Sanku, an emergency pediatric dentist in Conway, to get your kid set up for the procedure.

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