How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction?

How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction?

Feb 01, 2023

Preparing for Tooth Extraction

Didn’t you think it was exciting losing a tooth as a child? The moment was a passage into first grade. Additionally, the tooth fairy often rewards you.

Losing a tooth as an adult is not exciting. Instead of receiving accolades or money, you are confronted with the challenge of encountering gloved hands in the mouth and discomfort.

Tooth extractions can be frightening and stressful. However, it becomes easier if you prepare for the procedure in advance. Here are some crucial steps to follow when planning to get a tooth removed.

Complete Medical History

Before the scheduled tooth extraction, it is essential to share your child’s entire medical history with the pediatric dentist in Conway, SC. You must provide comprehensive details about their history without holding back on any details.

Some specifics that need sharing include a history of bacterial endocarditis, congenital heart defects, liver disease, artificial joint replacements, impaired immune system, and any mechanical or bio-heart valves. These conditions can make your child susceptible to infections.

You must also include a complete list of medications your child takes to ensure the dental provider avoids possible drug interactions. For example, if taking blood thinners, the pediatric dentist suggests not taking them before the scheduled procedure. The prevention decreases the risk of bleeding after tooth removal. In addition, blood thinners delay the healing process after completing the treatment.

Anesthesia and Painkillers

Your child will undoubtedly receive anesthesia or sedation if they must have wisdom teeth removal near you. You must discuss the substances expected to be used during their specific treatment. Your child may need to learn which type of anesthesia or sedation works for them and which doesn’t. If they have received anesthesia earlier, inform the dentist about any side effects they have experienced. The dentist will prepare a medication plan that ensures they are comfortable and not at risk.

Pain relievers are often prescribed as part of the recovery. If your child has preferences for a specific painkiller, inform the dentist about it. Painkillers are addictive, and the dentist will suggest switching to non-narcotic substances as soon as possible.

Not Eating Before Surgery

Generally, when scheduling a procedure for tooth extraction near you, the dentist suggests not eating before the surgery from 12 hours earlier. The restriction helps prevent nausea during and after tooth removal. If they are receiving local anesthesia, fasting is not a requirement as long as you inquire about it. Informing the dentist about medical conditions that don’t allow them to fast is also beneficial.

If teenagers smoke, they must stop doing so 24 hours before the procedure and 48 after. Tooth removal procedures are ideal for quitting smoking for good to benefit their dental and overall health. Additionally, tobacco after tooth removal can slow the healing process and a higher risk of developing a dry socket, a severe condition that needs immediate treatment.

Organize Transportation And Care

Organizing transport to and from the Conway pediatric dentist’s office is essential because your teenager cannot operate vehicles because anesthesia impairs their reflexes. You must also arrange for someone to remain with them by taking time off work and keeping some soft foods handy because your child must have them not to irritate the surgical site.

What to Wear

Getting wisdom teeth extracted is not a minor procedure making it essential for your child to dress comfortably. Short-sleeved shirts are best worn if they are receiving intravenous anesthesia. Dentists recommend wearing old clothes because, despite their precautions, garments can get stained. Children are advised not to wear jewelry, contact lenses, dark lipstick, perfumes, and body sprays and keep their hair pulled away from the face. Keeping the lips moisturized with chapstick is suggested by dentists.

Home Care after Getting a Tooth Pulled

After completing the tooth extraction, Dr. Robert Ellis suggests eating soft foods to ensure your child doesn’t have to chew or bite complex foods. Protein drinks, yogurt, and smoothies are excellent options for nourishment after tooth removal.

The teenager will find it challenging to feel their tongue and cheeks until the anesthesia wears off, making it essential to adhere to the dentist’s advice on the foods they can have. Children are best prevented from using straws for drinking liquids or rinsing the mouth besides speaking vigorously for fear of resulting in a dry socket.

Some swelling and discomfort are expected after tooth removal procedures. However, if your teenager experiences breathlessness or chest pain, severe bleeding and swelling, nausea and vomiting with fever and chills, you must notify the dentist immediately because these are signs of possible infection that need addressing immediately.

Don’t Stress

Tooth extractions can make everyone anxious. However, it helps if you trust the dentist because they fully understand the intricacies of removing teeth safely and efficiently. They ensure a pleasant experience and guide you through the entire procedure.

If your teenager needs wisdom teeth removed, Kids First Dental is the dental practice to consult for the procedure. The pediatric dentists at the facility ensure your child has a comfortable experience and e-commerce quickly without complications.

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